The public exhibition period relating to the Planning Proposal – Albury Conservation Zoned Lands Review has concluded.

All submissions received and issues raised have been documented for further consideration in the process finalising this review.

On 12 August 2024, Council endorsed the Planning Proposal as exhibited subject to recommend amendments. The Planning Proposal is in the process of being finalised with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, including the making of the amendment to the Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010.

Conservation Zones (previously known as Environmental Zones) are applied to land with significant environmental value, as identified in the Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010.

We are undertaking a review of Conservation Zoned Land and are seeking your feedback on the proposed changes. This review is based on an ecological assessment and analysis of land to determine environmental value and inform zoning.

A summary of the key changes are highlighted below:

  • Rezoning to add land to the Conservation Zone, where the land contains significant environmental values;
  • Rezoning to remove land from the Conservation Zone and changing it to a suitable adjacent zone, where the land does not reflect significant environmental values;
  • An overall net increase in Conservation Zone land area (approximately 400 hectares) across the LGA

For detailed information, see document library below.

View the Conservation Zone amendments

View the proposed Conservation Zone Land Map (as amended post-exhibition), which shows the land that is proposed to be added or removed from the Conservation Zone.

Tips for using the map:

  1. Enter your address in the search bar in the top left of the screen, or use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out of the map.
  2. Click on a location on the map to view the proposed amendment and associated data (proposed zoning change, ecological score, minimum lot size and justification).
  3. View additional planning map layers using the legend in the bottom left of the screen.

We've also created a short video on how to use the Conservation Zone amendments map.

Attend an Information Session or talk to a Planner

Thank you to those who attended the Community Information Sessions in November and December 2022. A copy of the presentation is available here. We've also added additional FAQs on this page following these sessions.

Make a submission

Submissions closed 5pm on 1 February 2023.

Submissions are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and on the AlburyCity website.

Please see our Community Participation Plan and Privacy Policy for more information.

What happens next?

We are continuing to progress the Conservation Zoned Lands Review. A significant volume of submissions have been received following public exhibition and extensions granted to provide additional information which has extending the post-exhibition consideration process.