Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

The Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy outlines the payment of expenses and provision of facilities to councillors to support them to fulfill the functions of civic office. It covers superannuation, travel, professional development, work-related functions, insurances, legal expenses (in relevant circumstances) and the provision of equipment and facilities.

Under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) a new Council must review the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy within 12 months of a new term.

The draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy was endorsed by Council for public exhibition on Monday 23 May, and will be publicly exhibited for 28 days with 42 days to lodge submissions. The draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy will be reconsidered by Council should submissions from the public be forthcoming. If there are no public submissions, the draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy will be adopted and published on the AlburyCity Public Policy Register.
