Project Update: The Cultural Precinct Master Plan was endorsed by Council on 26/07/2021

Following a Have Your Say consultation in 2020, a draft Master Plan has been prepared and is now available for comment. It provides a long-term vision for QEII Square and the surrounding cultural facilities to further improve and develop into a jewel in the crown of Albury and a major drawcard for the region.

The draft Master Plan outlines several proposed improvements such as:

  • creation of a central green lawn,
  • generous flanking pedestrian promenades,
  • a large zero depth interactive water feature,
  • beautiful native gardens and additional tree planting,
  • flexible plazas, flexible event spaces and deck areas,
  • artistic play space,
  • a series of potential building renovations and new developments,
  • design guidelines for building developments,
  • improved connections between cultural facilities and to surrounding streets,
  • new public amenities (toilets, parents rooms and change facilities), and
  • improved lighting including event lighting, additional seating, drinking fountains and bike parking.

Aerial image of the draft Master Plan

Preparation of the master plan included review of previous plans, detailed site analysis and engagement activities with key stakeholders and the wider community. The Master Plan recognises the community’s desire to maintain valued open lawns, varied trees, and compliment the space with more shade and seating opportunities to foster more year-round use and enjoyment. The design proposes replacing the central road with new promenades that will flank a generous lawn located in the centre of the space. This will remove the sense of a divided park and with new shade trees both within the lawn and new avenues on its edges encourage a greater use and accessibility to the Square. This reimagined square and unified public setting will become a vibrant public space that is connected to its cultural assets and will create a major regional destination.

The Master Plan design has also considered and aligned with related projects such as the Albury Entertainment Centre Convention Wing Redevelopment design process which is occurring concurrently.

Before: Aerial image of the current Cultural Precinct After: Aerial image of the proposed Cultural Precinct


We welcome your feedback on the draft Master Plan. Submissions will be received until 5:00 pm Monday 31 May 2021 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:

City Planning, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or

Submission are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.

Please see our Community Participation Plan and Privacy Policy for more information.

What happens next?

All submissions will be considered in finalising the Master Plan.

The Master Plan will be used to help guide future development and public realm upgrades in the QEII Square and the surrounding Cultural Precinct. The Master Plan will also be used as an advocacy document and to seek grant funding for staged delivery of major upgrade works.