Draft DCP Part 20 - Willowbank Road, East Albury

Following rezoning in 2018, draft planning and design provisions have been prepared to guide development on land at Willowbank Road, East Albury. These draft provisions form Part 20 of the Albury Development Control Plan (DCP), which are now available for comment.

The draft provisions provide site-specific controls on a variety of matters including infrastructure provision (transport, water, sewer and drainage), Aboriginal cultural heritage, landscaping and visual amenity, urban design, stormwater and groundwater management.

Specified Matter

Draft DCP Response

Infrastructure Provision

An Infrastructure Audit Plan confirms developer responsibilities and commitments towards likely infrastructure provision (transport, water, sewer and drainage).

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

A preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Review identifies parts of the subject land as having potential moderate Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity. Consequently, any development application in these areas must be accompanied by an assessment to confirm the presence (or lack thereof) of Aboriginal archaeological resource to determine impacts and appropriate management and mitigation measures (where required).

Landscaping and Visual Amenity

A Landscape Strategy identifies screen planting with adjoining land including the Hume Freeway, Murray River and Willowbank/Doctors Point Road in addition to ADCP 2010 – Part 12.3.4 Landscaping.

Urban Design

Site specific design controls have been included that seek consideration of building bulk, articulation and appearance in design for any development proposals.

Site specific controls include the following:

  • subdivision,
  • road network and design,
  • site coverage,
  • building height and form,
  • site access and maneuvering,
  • carparking,
  • sustainable building design,
  • building appearance, and
  • site landscaping.

These controls are in addition to existing city-wide controls in ADCP 2010 – Part 12.

Stormwater and Groundwater Management

An Infrastructure Audit Plan confirms developer responsibilities and commitments towards likely infrastructure provision (including drainage and groundwater management). This includes:

  • installing a second groundwater monitoring well to establish baseline groundwater monitoring conditions,
  • designing and constructing drainage outfall infrastructure to Roads & Maritime Service detention basin, and
  • designing and constructing internal drainage to connect to drainage outfall infrastructure.


Submissions will be received until close of business on Monday, 17 May 2021 and should be addressed attention to Chris Graham, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or info@alburycity.nsw.gov.au

Submission are not confidential. The issues raised in submissions may be summarised and/or the entire submission (as submitted) included in Council reports on this matter.

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