Based on the NSW Ombudsman's Managing Unreasonable Conduct by Complainants Model Policy, the DRAFT Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy provides a framework for Our People and Customers to understand what unreasonable complainant conduct is and why it is important for Albury City Council to have a consistent management approach.

The Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy relates to the management of unreasonable conduct by AlburyCity’s customers as defined in this Policy and associated Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Procedure.

The Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Procedure is intended to provide Our People and Customers a framework within which Albury City Council will manage unreasonable conduct by complainants. This Procedure aligns to and supports AlburyCity’s Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy and provides a systematic approach to managing unreasonable conduct by complainants.

We welcome your feedback on the DRAFT Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy. Submissions will be received until 5:00 pm Wednesday 26 October 2022 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:

Team Leader Customer Experience, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or

Submissions are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.

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