As part of our Internal Audit Plan, a consultant was engaged to undertake a review of our complaints management program. This resulted in the development of an Agreed Management Action Plan that provided a set of actions to improve how we handle feedback and complaints.

A key action item was the development of a new Complaints Management Policy and Procedure.

Feedback and Complaints Management Policy

The Feedback and Complaints Management Policy sets out how we manage feedback and complaints and ensures our approach aligns with our statutory, strategic and organisational obligations and objectives.

It makes sure that AlburyCity handles any feedback and complaints effectively and provides an efficient, fair and accessible way to resolve these.

Feedback and Complaints Management Procedure

The Feedback and Complaints Management Procedure outlines how the policy will be delivered. It defines the rules, steps or actions required to ensure that we are meeting the objectives of the policy in its implementation.

The Procedure is intended to:

  • recognise the right to provide feedback or make a complaint
  • provide information about the process used to handle complaints
  • ensure that complaints are monitored in a systematic way so that corrective action is taken, and where appropriate, to ensure that unsatisfactory service is not repeated
  • provide information that can be used by AlburyCity to deliver quality improvements to our processes, services, our people and complaint handling
  • ensure that all feedback and complaints are reviewed and responded to in a timely and consistent manner


We welcome feedback on this Policy and Procedure. Comments will be received until close of business, Wednesday 25 May 2021 and should be submitted via the form above or addressed to Allister Brockley Team Leader Customer Experience, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or