The Draft Prevention of Homelessness Plan is our commitment to ending homelessness in Albury. It is built around three focus areas that will guide our approach over the next five years:
1. Leadership and Advocacy
AlburyCity is in a unique position where we are connected to both our community, groups and service providers, as well as other levels of government.
To effectively address issues relating to homelessness, we need to hold other levels to account for fulfilling their responsibilities. We can provide leadership to the community through advocacy with other levels of government, and through using our profile in the community to influence community and businesses in a manner that supports people experiencing homelessness.
2. Engagement and Collaboration
AlburyCity also plays a vital role in raising awareness about homelessness within the community. By educating the public about the realities of homelessness and the challenges faced by those who experience it, we foster a more compassionate and informed community. This awareness is crucial in building a supportive environment where individuals facing homelessness are not stigmatised but are instead met with understanding and assistance.
We will work with our local service providers and our community to increase awareness of issues relating to homelessness and support local providers to effectively deliver their services.
Our local service providers are experts in what they do, and we are committed to fostering an environment that leverages the resources and skills of all stakeholders and enables them to positively impact the wellbeing of our community.
3. Our People and Our Facilities
AlburyCity has an important role to play in supporting people who are experiencing homelessness, both in the way we interact with them, and the way we use our facilities to service the community.
Whilst we are not a service provider, we do have various touch points with people experiencing homelessness and are able to positively influence the wellbeing of people experiencing homelessness, and their access to specialist support.
View the Draft Prevention of Homelessness Plan
We welcome your feedback on AlburyCity's Prevention of Homelessness Plan. Feedback will be received until 5:00 pm Tuesday 31 January 2025 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:
Community Development, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or
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