AlburyCity's Pesticide Use Notification Plan articulates how we will notify our community of pesticide applications we make, or allow to be made, to the public places we own or control, as required by the Pesticide Regulation (NSW) 2017.

Pesticides are used across our public places to control weeds and pests, protect our property from damage and our community from nuisance or danger when in public places.

The Draft Pesticide Use Notification Plan documents are available to provide transparency for the community, and to provide an opportunity for the community and residents to have input on how and when control works are undertaken.

Our community can register their interest to be provided advance notice of pesticide use if they use, hire or are adjacent occupiers to a sensitive place. A sensitive place is defined as any school or pre-school, kindergarten, child care centre, hospital, community health centre, nursing home and/or place declared to be a sensitive place by the Environment Protection Authority. We’ve included a registration form below if you would like to add your details so we can reach out when works are due to take place. We’d also love to hear from you if you believe we should modify our pesticide control activities within the vicinity of your property and why. You may have a sensitivity, run an organic operation or have environmental values you’d like to protect.

Once the Draft Plan is adopted by Council the Pesticide Use Notification Plan will be submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), and notification will be given to the public on AlburyCity’s website that the Plan has been adopted.

Register for notification of pesticide use

Please register here if you wish to be notified of pesticide use

We welcome your feedback on the Pesticide Use Notification Plan. Submissions will be received until 5pm Friday, 19 July 2024 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:

Team Leader Natural Areas
PO Box 323
Albury, NSW 2640


Submissions are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.

Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.