The Investment Procedure sets the mechanisms to be followed by Council officers to give effect to and ensure compliance with Council's Investment Policy.
AlburyCity’s Investment Procedure is being updated following the removal of loan agreement conditions relating to investments by the NSW Treasury Corporation (TCorp).
This revision provides AlburyCity with the option to increase our investment in our local institutions, Hume Bank or BankWAW, which is proposed to increase from 10% to up to 20% of our total investment portfolio.
We welcome your feedback on the DRAFT Revised Investment Policy & Procedure. Submissions will be received until 5pm Monday, 27 November 2023 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:
Financial Management Team
PO Box 323
Albury, NSW 2640
or email us at:
Submissions are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.
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