The AlburyCity Draft Social Media Policy has been reviewed and updated to align with the NSW Government Model Social Media Policy.
This policy outlines our expectations in relation to the acceptable and responsible use of social media platforms, in both a professional and personal capacity.
This policy applies to all Our People at AlburyCity (full-time, part-time and casual), Councillors, consultants, contractors, volunteers, graduates and interns. It relates to the use of social media for business purposes, including platforms owned and maintained by AlburyCity, as well as Our People commenting on external sites.
Let us know your thoughts below.
We welcome your feedback on the DRAFT Social Media Policy. Submissions will be received until 5pm Friday, 29 March 2024 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:
Communications & Engagement Team
PO Box 323
Albury, NSW 2640
or email us at:
Submissions are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.
Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.