There may be an opportunity for bike parking to be located near or out the front of your favorite business - complete the form below if you'd like to nominate a location!

Council will install, own and maintain the bike parking, and so some criteria must be met for the location of the hoops:

  • Must be located on Council-owned land (footpath, nature strip, or road reserve)
  • Must be a location with enough space for pedestrians and others to pass by safely (Council will assess this according to standards)
  • Locations with existing concrete pads will be prioritised

If interested, please fill out the below expression of interest form and someone from Council will contact the business to determine if the location is appropriate.

Thank you! Someone from AlburyCity will contact you shortly for further discussions!

For further information on this matter contact:

Alex Brigden

Trainee Civil Engineer

02 6023 8296